When it comes to relationships, saying sorry is one of the most important skills you can learn. Question: how many of you were brought up in an environment where a genuine apology was not only discussed but exemplified? For those who did, I commend your exceptional...
Pirates, Treasure, & Your Retirement
BURIED TREASURE: Have you ever wondered why pirates used to always bury their treasure chests on a deserted island? As a child, it seemed to me like a reckless game of hide and seek! However, with age, I came to realize the wisdom of this strategy. If a pirate had...
3 Secrets to Finding and Growing Contentment
First Published on InnerSelf.com Imagine yourself in the Hawaiian Islands, where you marvel at the exotic vegetation, sandy beaches, and glorious mountain ranges. Above you, the sky is a brilliant blue, and all around you are the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean. As...
Your Idols Influence Who You Become
Image Credit: UnsplashWithout realizing it at the time, my brother was my first role model. Chuck is 12 years older than me, and as a boy I always looked up to him (and not just because he was a lot taller than me). He was cool and drove a convertible Austin Heely...
Selfishness in a Monastery: Leadership Lessons from a Monk and His Brother
Photo by Pixabay I recently spent two days on retreat at a monastery. Over breakfast, I met our guest master, Brother James (not his real name). When I discovered he was 44 years old, I casually remarked that my wife and I had just celebrated our 44th wedding...
Tears from Bordeaux: Leadership Lessons from a Failure to Win Gold
By David C. Bentall HOW COULD I be spending 10 days in Bordeaux, the premium wine district in France, yet feel unhappy? I had no work to do, was surrounded by beautiful scenery, and found amazing French cuisine around every corner. Yet, there I was, feeling sorry for...
Does Your Family Business Have a “Family Employment Policy?” It Should
By David C. Bentall For centuries, leaders around the world have desired to see their offspring follow in their footsteps. Whether monarchs or business executives, they shared a common hope that the next generation would successfully assume the mantle of leadership....
The Queen of Hearts: Leadership Insights from Queen Elizabeth’s Life of Service
I have never been much of a Royal watcher. However, I was, and still am, a fan of the Queen. Looking back over her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II is widely credited with both reforming and humanizing the monarchy in Britain. She also helped provide stability to the...
How To Ensure Your Kids Hate Each Other
UNEQUAL TREATMENT REGARDING MONEY: Parents may elect to favor one child over another (sometimes unconsciously), but if they do, they need to be ready to deal with the consequences of their actions. One of the best ways to ensure that children become bitter and...
Shotgun Clauses and Auction Agreements; Alternative Processes to Problem Resolution
Even if family members decide to one day go their own way, and no longer remain in business together, this doesn’t need to destroy their relationships. Unfortunately, in my opinion, “shotgun clauses” are often inadvertently killing many family businesses in Canada....